The Dancing Blind Man is like a Mechanic for your business who draws upon a wide number of disciplines and experiences – including Business Coaching & Consulting – to serve the needs of the owners, and where appropriate their top managers, of Micro to Medium sized enterprises with from 1 to 500 employees.
The Dancing Blind Man’s purpose is to firstly help you establish where you are and where you want your business to go, then to make the phone ring and improve profits, then to give you control of your business by developing and putting in place systems that enable you to work more on & less in your business.
Along the way, becuase your can’t ever truly separate your Work and your Life, the Dancing Blind Man can also assist you with getting healthier and hitting the targets you want to in your personal life.
There is, simply no other Business Improvement provider like Dancing Blind Man.
Having spent over 30 years in a wide variety of industries as a CEO, Managing Director and senior executive locally and overseas, Geoff Hetherington has the know-how and hands on experience to assist business owners and their top management get to the next level, develop an exit strategy and create sustainable profits.
Low on Rainbows and Unicorns but high on action, the Dancing Blind Man places emphasis is on practical advice that works in the real world.